I see in a lot of moments I still find myself not seeing what Jesus has done for me and allowing that to shape the way I move and think. I lose site a lot and it’s quite discouraging when I think about it. I see a bit of an issue with my temper being roused and I see a lack of patience and long-suffering . With that, obviously theres a lack of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. That being the case, there’s a lot that could be causing this but the bottom line is a broken fellowship with the Lord. Not that He has left or forsaken me but that there’s somehow a distance probably due to sin. At this point, the only thing I can do is ask God to seek out my heart and if there’s any wicked way within me that He would reveal that to me and help me move forward in the way that He would call me. I need the Lord to make straight my path. For that I see Him using this verse “He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities:” I see this and I’m in awe that I can allow myself to fall into such a place that I can be so far from the standard that God calls us to live. I also understand that I’m my own worse critic especially if I allow the enemy to throw things at me. So I must push on and move forward looking unto Jesus knowing that He paid it all and is not holding my sin over my head but wants me to move past what’s holding me back. I will press on boldly asking for forgiveness humbly and allow Him to shape and mold me submissively. I can’t be a fool and turning from correction and rebuke, but growing in patience and long-suffering when He reveals the error of my ways by taking heed to them.
Application: I will ask my teammate Joel to pray with me as I ask God to reveal to me the issues of my heart.
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